Yesterday, I discovered hubby hunched over his I-pad fuming and frustrated.
"I can't get this book ordered from my Amazon account. I've wasted TWO HOURS!! Two hours of reading time is gone!" he groused.
Trying to order an e-book, the account wouldn't accept the new (re-issued due to being compromised) credit card that he has already used in other places. But Amazon wouldn't recognize it!!!
I tried to help. . . no avail. Then I suggested ordering on my Amazon account. So we logged out of his account, logged into mine (after changing my password because I had long forgotten the password that's in my laptop's memory!!) But Amazon didn't like the new device (His I-Pad) with a new after several terribly unreadable CAPTCHA codes later and two new passwords, it won't let us into my account on HIS device.
Next I tried to use my I-pad to order the book. Amazon still wouldn't let me in to my account on My I-pad. So I ordered the ebook on my laptop (with the latest new password--which I have carefully written into my journal. But by the time I need it again, I"ll have forgotten which journal I wrote it in!!) to read from his I-pad.
Book ordered and in my account. But his I-Pad can't access My Amazon account. Not even with the fifty-seventh new password!!
Aha. He can borrow MY I-pad. Alas, my I-pad doesn't have the reader downloaded. So I download the reader app. But not until I have changed my I-Tunes password because the Kindle works on the I-Tunes account, but I have to order from the Amazon account???
So I try it out and . . . YES!!! My I-pad will access the book. So triumphantly I head to his office to lend my I-pad. BUT . . . somewhere in this process HIS I-pad has let him into MY Kindle account and he has the book. But is too frustrated to read it and has a different "REAL" book in his hand.
Three and a half hours!! In that amount of time, I could have WRITTEN the book!!
A bit later he did settle down and read the book from His I-pad and today got the lesson done for which he needed the book. AND I've read parts of the book as well.
Technology!!! And then today, while I'm writing this blog (on my laptop), I wanted a picture from my phone. My habit is that I email the picture to myself from phone to laptop. I discovered that my laptop can directly access my phone pictures!! Who knew!??
The irony: I just finished teaching TWO graduate level "Using Technology in the ESL classroom" classes!! I CAN use PowerPoint, Build Web Sites, Write Wiki's, and use Blogs, but apparently I can't (with any efficiency) use certain applications. . . and know Squat about my I-pad.
I think I have an I-pad for Dummies book around here somewhere!!!
Nope!! Apparently I-pad for Dummies is NOT in my library!!
Rest Assured . . . I WON'T order it as an eBook!!
Technologically yours,
P.J. the sometime Techie